healthy tidbits
The program is a collaborative effort between the London Community Resource Centre, Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU), and Healthy Living Partnership Middlesex London. Other partners that have provided ongoing support for this initiative include Brescia University College, and neighbourhood food depots affiliated with the London Food Bank.
In February 2007, funding from the New Horizons for Seniors Program was obtained to establish the Healthy Tidbits Program. The main objectives as identified in the grant proposal were:
• To encourage seniors to contribute their skills, experience and wisdom in support of social well-being in their community by facilitating the transfer of knowledge and skills between seniors and users of their local neighbourhood food depot.
• To promote the ongoing involvement of seniors in their communities to reduce their risk of social isolation by engaging them in activities in their neighbourhoods, increasing their interaction with others in their community as well as developing a network with the seniors involved at other neighbourhood depots.