Past INItiatives

Sprouts Children's Garden Program
The Sprout’s Children Garden Program is all about cultivating ECO adventures for children. They have fun learning about the garden’s ecosystem and fresh healthy food choices.
London COmmunity Gardens
From 2002-2016, the London Community Resource Centre ran the community gardens throughout the city of London.

Cook It Up!
This initiative was organized in partnership with local chefs and the health unit to build food literacy skills and confidence in at-risk youth. The Cook it up! manual has been used by organizations around the world to start similar programs
Fabulous Fall in the Garden
The Fabulous Fall in the Garden event educated gardeners and the community at large about fall gardening activities including the fall harvest and preserving.

Healthy Tidbits
This program was used to encourage seniors to contribute their knowledge and skills to the community. It also promoted the involvement of seniors in the community to reduce their risk of social isolation.
University Heights
This project took place at the University Heights Public School. The focus was on food literacy and food education. The London Community Resource Centre planted and planted a beautiful garden which provided various educational opportunities.

Train the Trainer: Canning Workshop
The intent of the canning workshop is to progress from initial hands-on skill building opportunities to independent canning sessions.
Mind yOur PLate
Mind Your Plate started as an after-school program with a mission to integrate cooking classes and mental health activities together to develop better emotional intelligence and build greater confidence. It morphed into online sessions with a cooking recipe and a mindfulness exercise.

CrazyTalk was a variety show encouraging those with mental health struggles to dare greatly and talk about their discomfort so that we could come together and lean into important experiences that are with uncertainty: love, belonging, trust, joy, creativity, and entrepreneurship to name a few.