Westview Community Garden COVID-19 Guidelines
-Follow health and safety practices as outlined by the Middlesex-London Health Unit
-physical distancing of at least 6 feet,
-wash hands regularly with soap and water, or hand-sanitizer when soap and water isn’t available
-stay home if you are sick or have been in contact with someone who is sick
-Use only your own tools. If you need help accessing tools, please reach out to lcrc@lcrc.on.ca and we can arrange for one to be assigned to you.
-Wear a pair of gardening gloves. Wash your gloves between each visit to the garden.
-When using the water tank, please keep your gloves on to limit direct contact with surfaces. A disinfectant spray will be made available to sanitize the surface after direct contact.
-Access to the garden will be restricted to only the Westview Gardeners, LCRC staff and Westview staff.
-A maximum of 3 individuals/households can access to the garden at one time. If the garden is at capacity, or there is someone working in an adjacent plot, please wait or return at a less active time.
-Please don’t bring any children that are too young to understand physical distancing.
-Please don’t bring pets to the garden. Service animals are allowed.
The guidelines for the Westview Community Garden were adapted from the recommended guidelines as outlined by SustainOntario: